The Advantages Of Using A Team For Wealth Creation

It very often for very good reasons have been said that creating wealth is not depended on an individuals ability to create wealth but on his ability to surround himself with the best possible people in each area of expertise to deliver the required outcome!

The idea of a master mind group was first conceived and put into print by Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich. The concept was inspired by Andrew Carnegie, an American steel millionaire who surrounded himself with a support system of about fifty individuals who formed a “think tank” with the specific purpose of manufacturing and marketing steel. Carnegie accredited his entire fortune on the advice and help of this support system and on the power that it gave him. The concept of a master mind group is that two heads are better than one, and for practical purposes the ideal size of such a group is six to eight people, though there is some thought that a group may consist of as few as three.

There are two types of master mind groups today – there is the group that has been set up to help an individual to achieve his goals and there is the group where all of the members support each other in achieving their goals. Groups can be run by themselves or they can use the services of a facilitator who may or may not be paid, depending on the group, and who acts as a catalyst to the group. A major requisite component of such a group is to find a group of people that have similar focal point values and goals to yourself.

The secret of having a successful support system is in choosing people to join the group who all have the same interests at heart. They should each have the goal of seeking to achieve financial success, but at the same time their talents should not be identical. By having multiple talents on call within the master mind group they can be made the most of more effectively. Even though they can all contribute and be passionate in attaining financial freedom, the small difference between each one will not do any harm to the team as a whole, and should be encouraged to be noticeable. When a high-quality wealth creation team has been formed and is working well together, each individual benefits in a way and to an extent that he would not be able to attain when working solo.

Having a motivated master mind group is no good unless the group is communicating with each other. Good communication is vital within the team, who must each understand clearly what has to be achieved. Meetings are typically monthly or fortnightly, and can either be in person or virtual. Meetings usually open with members giving an account of their present state regarding their goals, and this is followed by a question and answer session and suggestions as to how to proceed further towards individual goals are tabled. The undertaking of every member of the team is both to learn, and to exchange support with others. There is usually a side benefit from these meetings that result in personal development of the individuals.

A LIKE MINDED community or master mind group is critical to all individuals who wish to make massive progress on their journey of wealth creation!

On of the most important laws of success is to model others that have achieved to success you want to achieve, to strive for mastery in whatever you intend to achieve!

The science of getting rich is very much based on ability leverage to optimal level, and ensure compounding benefits for whatever you do. Again many have already achieved this, simply learn from them!

Science of getting rich is very much depended on the ability to think vastly different to the masses!

Work Your Wealth was specifically founded for this very reason, to allow people to surround themselves with like minded people, who see things in the same way, can help another to achieve their goals through their common goals, specialized expertise or skills each individual can offer, etc.

At the very same time the WYW platform gives you access to the group guidance needed to keep everybody together and ensures each party receives that what is needed to achieve their goals and desires!

Of course the massive benefit of being part of a like minded community is as an individual you needn’t re invent the wheel, within the group there are different individuals that already achieved what you want to achieve and their school fees allow you to reach your goal so much faster and easier!

Aside from the fact that nobody can be very good at everything, this way you can leverage your lack of skills by getting access to others skills where you lack them, in exchange for what others might need from you, etc

So join in to a totally FREE seminar, where you can see whether this could perhaps be your missing link!

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